On-Going Ministries

100 Voices is our praise band. They lead our worship services at least once a month, giving us a contemporary worship option. They also share their talents at a variety of community events.

St. Mark’s Choir is open anyone who loves to sing. Not only do people get the opportunity to share their talents, they get to praise God through song at the same time.

Our Confirmands participate in servant events as part of the program. Each student also develops a Faith Project to help an organization or individual.

A few years ago a group of talented Devotional Writers started publishing an in-house quarterly devotional book, Reflections on God’s Word. Most of our writers are St. Mark’s members and the books are currently distributed nationwide.

With Holy Motion, our liturgical dance group, we have the opportunity to see a beautiful expression of faith each time they share their talents with us at worship.

LYON Youth Group participates in summer mission trips. This is where our high school and middle school aged students go to share their Christian beliefs.

The “go to” group when you need something done is Men In Mission. They have hosted fund-raising breakfasts, done some light construction work, helped people with moves to new housing and many other acts of kindness. They meet once a month for bible study.

Our Prayer Shawl Team provides a little Christian love to go along with a cozy shawl. This group of knitters creates shawls for anyone who could use a little warming up. They also provide prayer squares for our military care packages.

When we hear of people in need our Prayer Tower ministry kicks in, notifying members so that prayers for them can begin immediately. Our Prayer Team participates at worship services one Sunday a month. This ministry is truly one from the heart, sharing concerns, joys and sorrows of fellow worshippers.

A truly unique ministry at St. Mark’s is our Puppet Ministry. The group creates and produces Christian puppetry for one Sunday each month. In addition, they participate in special church and community events, supporting the faith of St. Mark’s and introducing the Word to non-church participants. The messages are Bible based, inspiring and entertaining for young and old alike. Over the years many of our members have served as voices or puppeteers for the group.

We are blessed to have a group of Quilters who piece together some beautiful works of art that are given to Lutheran World Relief for distribution to those in need.

At a time when many churches no longer offer Sunday School, St. Mark’s is blessed to continue the long-standing tradition of sharing the Word of God with our children.

We have four WELCA Circles (Faith, Friendship, Joy and Peace) that meet monthly for faith studies and fellowship. Our women’s circles do a variety of outreach projects throughout the year including: clothing and food collections, assembling baby care items for Nebraska Children’s Home, and coordinating school supply donations are but a few of the ways our women reach out to others.

Other Ministry Opportunities

There are a number of ways we minister to others: monthly Bingo/Dessert hosts for the local assisted living and long term care facility; assist United Faith Community Church as Care-A-Van drivers for the elderly. A few years ago we began to collect and ship military care packages to various U.S. troops stationed throughout the world. Our Sherron Fund administrators see to the distribution of financial aid to those in the community who are struggling. We have a melodrama team that produces a show to help raise funds for youth going on summer mission trips. Quite simply there are a multitude of ways St. Mark’s reaches out to our community and our world.